TMD Neuromodulator Injections 

TMD Treatments
Waterloo West Dentistry
Neuromodulator Treatment

Dental Procedure Applications

Although many are familiar with neuromodulator injections as dermal fillers, to treat severe frown lines and wrinkles or even excessive sweating, the botulinum toxin type that one such filler is developed from has several medical uses. At Waterloo West Dentistry, we use injections to treat dental conditions like temporomandibular disorders, teeth grinding, high lip lines, shifting jaw muscles, and more.

Male patient lying on dental chair shown his teeth xray result before neuromodulator injections in Waterloo
An orange circle with a magnifying glass and a tooth icon.
Treatment Consultation

We start with a consultation with you, to discuss expectations and determine if you are a good candidate for treatment. Your medical history will be reviewed.

A tooth icon on an orange circle.
Neuromuscular Treatment Options

If neuromuscular dentistry is a good solution for your condition, such as TMD, bruxism, or other misalignment and concerns due to muscle overstimulation, options for neuromodulator injections are determined.

A blue and orange icon of a mouth with teeth.
Treated Areas

Fine needle injections are targeted to jaw and facial muscles to achieve the intended results for your condition. Nerve impulses to targeted muscles are blocked so muscle activity is reduced.

Neuromodulator Injections

Myths About Treatments

Some people mistakenly believe injections are only effective cosmetically for removing forehead wrinkles and fine lines, but there are several beneficial medical uses of them, too. There is also concern that wrinkles and muscle spasming will actually worsen after treatment. Your condition will not worsen, although over time, you may benefit from re-treatment. Some have concerns about side-effects like drooping eyelids. These result from cosmetic treatments by less- reputable providers. Because dental applications of neuromodulator injections usually do not involve the forehead and eyes, and because only qualified professionals administer the treatment, you will not experience drooping eyelids or double vision that people seeking injections for cosmetic purposes might.

There are some other critical myths about the safety of neuromodulator injections and the botulinum toxin:

  • Injections lead to a frozen face. → The treatment simply relaxes targeted facial muscles, so you will not have a frozen face.
  • The treatments are toxic. → Despite the name, the botulinum toxin type that the injections are derived from is not toxic.
Neuromodulator Injections

Can They Help You?

If you have symptoms of neuromuscular disorders, such as jaw pain, excess wear on teeth from grinding, issues with the fit of your denture, a gummy smile, or other concerns, Waterloo West Dentistry can help. Visit us for a checkup and complimentary consultation, and let us know your concerns. Do not let your conditions worsen - get treatment right away, to relieve pain and discomfort instantly.

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Treatment with Injections

How Neuromodulators Work

Neuromodulators work by blocking nerve impulses from being transmitted to treated muscles, which reduces excessive muscle activity. Neuromodulators are made from natural proteins which act on nerve receptors to block these impulses. Neuromodulator injections are Health Canada and FDA approved for dental applications.

A fine needle is used to accurately direct the neuromodulator injections to the specific muscle area needing treatment. Experienced physicians and dentists are able to do this with the fine accuracy needed for optimal results. There is no injury to the skin or oral tissues. Most patients can be treated within minutes.

The treatment is completely painless and does not require anaesthesia. Most patients find neuromodulator injections start working five to ten days after treatment, with full effects experienced two weeks after treatment. The neuromodulator treatment will maintain results for about four months. Patients return as necessary for re-treatment. You can resume normal activities immediately after treatment.

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How Neuromodulator Injections Help

What Conditions are Treated?
Neuromodulator injection treatments are minimally invasive and effective, making it an excellent solution for neuromuscular conditions. It helps with a variety of muscle-related conditions and concerns like grinding, clenching, temporomandibular issues, and many others. It also treats conditions like high or radial lip lines.
A white icon with a black background.
Neuromuscular Disorders and TMD

TMD disorders resulting from muscle hyperactivity are painful. With a neuromodulator treatment, the muscles relax for rapid pain relief.

A black and white image of a mouth with teeth.
Bruxism (Teeth Grinding)
Whether you grind your teeth from stress and anxiety, while sleeping, or other reasons, your dentist can inject neuromodulator injections into muscles to relax them and reduce forces on teeth.
A black and white icon of a tooth.
Lip Lines and Dentures

Repositioned lip muscles may cause dentures to not fit. Having an injection treatment relaxes and retrains targeted muscles around dentures to facilitate the transition. Patients with high lip lines, creating a gummy smile, can also be treated.

Could You Benefit?

Symptoms and Conditions

Since neuromodulator injections treat a range of neuromuscular conditions, there are a range of symptoms that may indicate whether a patient could benefit from treatment. High lip lines, discomfort with dentures are just some of the symptoms to look for.

Bruxism, or teeth grinding, is usually fairly noticeable as a condition. Overly worn teeth is a key sign, as well as constant clenching of your jaw and active grinding. Most patients with bruxism have facial, neck, shoulder and jaw pain. This leads to increased sensitivity and loss of teeth, fillings, headaches, earache, and other conditions. Sleep quality is often impacted.

If bruxism is not addressed, it can lead to temporomandibular disorders. Common symptoms include headaches or migraines, severe jaw pain and stiffness, and popping, clicking or other noises in the jaw. Most patients also experience significant ear pain and ringing in the ears. Other common symptoms include vertigo, neck pain and stiffness, sensitive and damaged teeth, and even postural problems.

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