If you're gearing up for wisdom teeth removal, it's natural to feel a bit apprehensive. This common dental surgery often brings tales of discomfort and funny post-anesthesia stories. But don't worry, we're here to shed some light on what you can truly expect.
Why are Wisdom Teeth Removed?
You might wonder, "why do we even have wisdom teeth if they're just going to be taken out?" These third molars, known as wisdom teeth, usually emerge between the ages of 17 and 25. They were once necessary to help our ancestors grind plant tissues. But modern cooking techniques and advancements in food processing have rendered these teeth pretty much useless.
Overcrowding in the Mouth
One of the common reasons people have their wisdom teeth removed is overcrowding. As wisdom teeth are the last set of teeth to appear, often there is simply not enough room for them to grow properly. Imagine trying to squeeze an extra car into an already crammed garage - problems are bound to happen!
You'll begin to notice when your mouth is becoming overcrowded. Your wisdom teeth may push against the neighboring teeth, causing discomfort, pain, and often disturbances in the alignment of your dental structure. They may even grow crooked or sideways. This could potentially result in tooth decay or gum diseases, particularly around your molars, due to the inability to clean these areas properly.
Overcrowding may even lead to more serious problems. For instance, the development of a cyst, a fluid-filled sac that can cause damage to the nearby teeth, and the bones might occur.
Impacted Wisdom Teeth
This term signifies a situation where your wisdom teeth don't have enough room to emerge or grow naturally. Usually, this leads to teeth erupting at an angle, horizontally, or getting trapped within the jawbone. Impacted wisdom teeth can be painful, causing symptoms like swollen and bleeding gums, and bad breath.
In worst-case scenarios, impacted wisdom teeth can cause infections, damage to other teeth and bones, or the development of a cyst. Taking care of impacted teeth is challenging, it's often hard to clean them. Owing to these reasons, dentists often recommend extracting impacted wisdom teeth, preventive rather than reactive surgery.
However, remember that not everyone needs their wisdom teeth removed. Some of you might have naturally well-spaced teeth that don't cause issues, while others might never develop wisdom teeth. Make sure to always consult with an experienced oral surgeon or dentist who understands your oral health needs.
Preparing for Wisdom Teeth Removal
Taking the time to prepare effectively for your wisdom teeth removal can help make the process a great deal smoother. This involves scheduling a consultation with the dentist or oral surgeon, having dental X-rays taken, and discussing sedation dentistry options.
Consultation with the Dentist
When facing wisdom teeth removal, an initial consultation is a crucial and necessary step. Your dentist or oral surgeon has the expertise to examine the health of your wisdom teeth and determine whether extraction is the most suitable course of action. During this appointment, you'll receive personalized advice and answers to your questions, strengthening your knowledge and leveling any concerns you may have.
For a thorough consultation, make sure to inform your oral health professional about any medications, vitamins, or supplements you are currently using. It’s critical because certain substances can affect your sedation during surgery or interfere with post-operative recovery.
X-rays and Oral Examination
A pivotal part of your wisdom teeth removal preparation will be a detailed oral examination. This includes dental X-rays to efficiently locate your wisdom teeth and determine their exact position, status, and size. X-rays also play an important role in ascertaining the proximity of your wisdom teeth to nerves and other vital structures. The orientation of your wisdom teeth in your jawbone (a factor that affects the complexity of the surgery), is also established through X-rays.
If your lower wisdom tooth is dangerously close to the 'lip' nerve, your surgeon might advise you of a higher probability of nerve injury. Don't be alarmed; it happens in 20% of patients where a temporary nerve injury is experienced, with 2% leading to lasting damage. In such circumstances, an additional special X-ray investigation, known as a cone beam CT scan, may be required. This allows for a different surgical approach to minimize the risk of nerve injury. It's called a coronectomy and can prove beneficial in reducing the likelihood of nerve damage significantly.
The Day of the Surgery
The day of your wisdom teeth removal procedure can feel overwhelming, but knowing what to expect can ease your anxiety. Understanding the anesthesia options and the surgical procedure will allow you to have a clear picture of what to expect and prepare accordingly.
Anesthesia Options
Depending on the complexity of the extraction and your comfort, your dentist or oral surgeon could recommend one of three types of anesthesia.
First, there's the option of local anesthesia given to numb your gums. You'll be awake, although the area where the surgery is performed will be free from any sensitivity or pain.
Secondly, sedation anesthesia administered through an IV line in your arm might be recommended. This form of anesthesia modifies your consciousness during the surgery. You won't feel pain and you're likely to have a limited memory of the procedure.
In some specific circumstances, you might be offered general anesthesia. This type of anesthesia includes medications inhaled through your nose, an IV line in your arm, or both. With general anesthesia, you lose consciousness and won't have any memory of the surgery. Pain is also entirely nullified and your medical team closely monitors your medication, breathing, temperature, fluids, and blood pressure.
Surgical Procedure
Keep in mind that if your dentist recommends wisdom teeth removal, gathering as much information as possible about the procedure is crucial. This includes understanding whether the procedure will be carried out by your dentist or referred to an oral surgeon based on their experience and frequency of performing this type of surgery. You want to ensure you're in the hands of someone familiar and comfortable with the intricacies of wisdom tooth extraction.
Recovery Process
Swelling and Pain Management
Don't be alarmed if you experience some discomfort and swelling after the surgery - it's perfectly normal. Most patients report their pain and swelling peak within two to three days post-surgery, gradually diminishing thereafter. Your dentist or oral surgeon would've likely prescribed an over-the-counter pain reliever to help manage this discomfort. Applying an ice pack to the affected area can also greatly reduce swelling. These side effects should go away within a week or two with proper care.
You may feel groggy and swollen after surgery. This is especially true if you've been given sedation or general anesthesia. But don't fret - you'll be carefully monitored in a recovery room until it's safe for you to be driven home by a trusted friend or family member.
Dietary Modifications
Your diet after wisdom teeth removal should ideally consist of cool, soft foods for the first few days. You're advised to avoid solid foods, alcohol, coffee, soda, and hot beverages at this initial stage. Some good options include yogurt, applesauce or smoothies. Remember to eat with a spoon and not a straw as the sucking motion can interfere with healing. Gradually introduce semi-soft foods like eggs and soft bread into your diet over the next day or two.
Oral Hygiene and Care Tips
In the aftermath of your wisdom teeth removal, maintaining good oral hygiene is imperative to prevent infection. However, do allow a grace period of 24 hours before you start brushing your teeth again. When brushing, exercise caution around the areas of extraction to avoid any potential damage.
Furthermore, avoid vigorous mouth rinsing or the use of mouthwash. Instead, a gentler option would be to rinse your mouth with warm salt water every two hours and after meals for at least a week.
For those first few delicate days, you're also advised against spitting forcefully. If bleeding occurs, gently dab the wound with gauze to absorb excess blood.
Proper oral care also necessitates keeping the extraction sites clean. Soak the surgical areas gently with alcohol-free antibacterial mouthwash and avoid swishing. This should be done while leaning your head to each side, allowing the mouthwash to soak the areas. This method also helps keep the much-needed blood clots in place, preventing the painful dry socket condition that can expose your underlying bone.
Do You Suspect You May Need Your Wisdom Teeth Removed?
If you have been experiencing any pain or discomfort that you think may be caused by your wisdom teeth, a visit to your dentist is in order to assess if you require wisdom teeth extraction.
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